Sunday, September 1, 2019

Well Now, Thank you Google!

LOL This was taken last month at Brad and Debbie's!  Yes, I'm still partying with them on occasion.  Sometimes my wife joins in to play with Debbie while I get Brad's full attention!

I had been locked out of my Google account forever--well, at least a year.

After going round and round with these idiots, I finally gave up.  Basically, you're talking to an automated response system anyway.  But I tried again a few days ago just to see.....and it actually let me in!

Anyway, it's not like I was posting all that much before my exile.  But I really was going to start posting again a year, year and a half or so ago.  But these morons wouldn't let me.

So perhaps I will try and get this blog going again, if I actually have any readers left!

Super Warning!

Hi! I'm Shelly (a.k.a. "Super Shelly" in superhero land!). Thank you for coming by and visiting.

Please take note, however, that this blog is very-adult oriented and definitely not for anybody under 18 years of age. It most definitely is NSFW, needless to say.